Hello, hello fellas! It sure has been a while, hasn't it?

Today I'm bringing you some new stuff that you may find interesting. As a lot of you may know, there is an endless amount of photo editing programs like Photoshop, Krita, A.Illustrator... you name it. However, a lot of people tend to miss one of the most useful ones out there, GIMP!

In this post I'll show you the basics of what you can do in this program, but don't forget to check the blog these following days to learn even more.

For this first project, in order to show you what you can do, we will grab an image from the internet (possibly one that is slightly tilted). And we will try to make some changes. Note that this doesn't imply the picture itself needs to be fixed or anything like that, we will only do this changes to see the functions of GIMP and nothing else.

In this case, I will be using this beautiful landscape taken by the photographer Oleksandr Ryzhkov!
(You can see his work here)

As you can see, the picture is slightly tilted since it is a valley. So, the first step we are going to do is rotate it with the rotation tool in our tool box, on the left side of our program (if you don't have it, you can make it appear by going into Tools, and clicking tool box or by using the shortcut Ctrl + B). With this tool, we will rotate the photo a little bit until the image looks straight. After that, you will probably get an image with some gaps where there is nothing, to fix that you have to crop the picture (using the tool in the tool box). 

To come back to this project whenever you want, you have to save it as a xcf document, which is the document that supports GIMP. And, once you have finished it, you can export it in almost any format you want, in this case jpg (both of this settings can be found in the File button).

And, there you have it! Neat program, isn't it? If you still have more questions about the program, then don't worry because I will be answering them this next few days.

Also, if you look closely, you'll see that some objects have disappeared in the background, which is something you can easily do with the tools they give you. So, why not give it a try and see what you can do?

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