Welcome back, to another one of those silly little guides you guys adore.

I decided that I wanted to make a photomontage of a place that I hold very dear to me. For this project, I have used a picture of that place and some magic to make it look different.

As you can see, a very good angle of a very memorable place to me. 

Firstly, I have filled the left wall with art pieces from one of my favourite artists called Ni Zan (you can fin his works here) and if you want, you can click here if you wanna know more about him.

I also added some of his works on the other side of the glass panels behind the bench. And lastly, I have added three graffitis, one with my name next to the bench, one with my online name on the roof's wall, and one all around the pilar on the right. 

I lowered the opacity to make it seem more believable, added some shadows and lightning.

And there you have it!

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